Bill Hammons

Unity Party of America Candidate

Bill Hammons is the co-founder (along with his late father) of the Unity Party of America, and was the first and (to-date, only) Uniter to successfully petition onto a ballot as a Unity Party candidate (he’s done so successfully four times in multilple states, and by means of the first two times set the Unity Party on the road to official recognition in the State of Colorado). For the campaign site of Unity Party of America co-founder Bill Hammons, click on this Bill Hammons: Uniter For United States President - For All of US link.

Bill is currently traveling the world as a digital nomad, putting the Unity Party’s philosophy of Unitism into action and helping to launch international affiliates such as the Unity Party of Germany (the above header image is a German-language version of the Prayer of St. Francis he came across in neighboring Austria).